27 de julio de 2009

Ya sabía yo que esto no era sólo un problema de mis hormonas revueltas...

For the female half of the population, it may bring a satisfied smile. Scientists have found that evolution is driving women to become ever more beautiful, while men remain as aesthetically unappealing as their caveman ancestors.

The researchers have found beautiful women have more children than their plainer counterparts and that a higher proportion of those children are female. Those daughters, once adult, also tend to be attractive and so repeat the pattern.

Over generations, the scientists argue, this has led to women becoming steadily more aesthetically pleasing, a “beauty race” that is still on. The findings have emerged from a series of studies of physical attractiveness and its links to reproductive success in humans.

Women are getting more beautiful, por Jonathan Leake, en el Times de Londres.

Ah, y también se confirma esto otro, que algunos teníamos ya bastante claro:

In men, by contrast, good looks appear to count for little, with handsome men being no more successful than others in terms of numbers of children. This means there has been little pressure for men’s appearance to evolve.

Eso sí, no todo son buenas noticias:

“For women, looks are much less important in a man than his ability to look after her when she is pregnant and nursing, periods when women are vulnerable to predators. Historically this has meant rich men tend to have more wives and many children. So the pressure is on men to be successful.”


5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hay que seguir el blog de este tio. es un autentico berrako... ese articulo lo podiamos haber escrito cualquiera... incluso aportando nuevos datos y estudios estadisticos...

grankabeza dijo...

Este tío es un berrako pro-fe-sio-nal.

Vamos, que encima le pagan por esto...

Mi sueño!


Anónimo dijo...

Mucho berrakismo, pero se os va la fuerza por la boca (bueno, hablaré solo del kabezón, que es al que konozco —no puedo decir que lo conozca...).

grankabeza dijo...

Efectivamente, nos (me) has calado.

Pero, ¿y lo bien que nos lo pasamos diciendo estas paridas?


Anónimo dijo...

Se ve con el pensamiento. Por obvio que sea algo, hoy sólo se ve si lo des-cubre algún estudio.